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My birthday trip to Gran Canaria - part 3

Writer's picture: Mrs LMrs L

My birthday trip to Gran Canaria – part 3


Hey Sexy Readers,


Welcome back to part 3: the story of my birthday! I didn't really think much would happen on my actual birthday, partly because of Mr L having been under the weather and us thinking about taking it easy again, as we had the days before, in preparation for the birthday party Eden Club was going to put on for me (cake and everything!) We had, however, spotted there was a social planned by at a beach bar and considering we had no other plans, we thought we might as well pop in for an hour before going out for a nice meal somewhere.

The Beach Bar on a January evening
The Beach Bar on a January evening

The day had been a chilly one. In fact, it was the chilliest one of the whole of our trip. So for the beach bar sociaI I had to pick an outfit that balanced warmth with sexiness. Not something I ever expected to have to do in the Canaries! I think I succeeded plumping for a long sleeved top, short leather skirt, warm tights, a leather biker jacket and a cozy warm scarf, all paired with a pair of sexy heels of course.

The social started off a little chaotic, because it turned out that the bar was split in two parts and it was not clear at all on which end we were meant to be meeting. Once we figured out who in the crowd was part of the social, we ended up having a really good time. We met some really interesting couples and single guys and heard some really fascinating, unbelievable and interesting stories. I have said it before and I'll say it again: the social side of the lifestyle will always be my favourite part of it all.

When the chill got a little too much for everyone, the group decided to move to Plan B. That also had the advantage of being a swingers bar, so we could be warmer AND naughtier. Unfortunately, Mr L and I still hadn’t eaten and we were both really hungry, so we couldn't come along, but we promised the group that we would go find them once we had eaten.


After a lovely, birthday meal, we made our way to Plan B, but when we got there, we couldn’t really see the group. We did spot one couple who had been at the beach bar (lets call them Roy and Jen), so we went over for a chat and to ask what happened to the others. They told us they weren’t there anymore, but couldn't give a real answer as to where else people had moved on. I had been keen to continue a conversation I had with an older Irish lady, who had lead the most fascinating life. I was a little confused, because I was pretty sure that they ought to still be here, but accepted the couple's word and we settled in for a chat.. It is important to know that Mr L and I had already had a chat about these two, and we had decided that we would not play with them, but we were of course more than happy to socialise with them. We hadn’t been chatting for long when I felt a hand gently stroking my back, it actually felt kind of nice and relaxing, but I did not to reciprocate or react to the touch, hoping that that sent the message I am not interested in anything beyond chatting. In hindsight, I should have moved away, but hindsight is 20/20 as they say. Roy clearly didn’t didn’t get the message and didn’t stop until a natural break in the chat occurred a little later and we all got up to either go to the toilet and to fetch drinks

The toilet break, gave me a handy opportunity have a little wander around the bar and see if I could spot anyone we know. And lo and behold, there in the distance I spotted the lovely older Irish woman and when I looked closer, I noticed that she was surrounded by nearly everyone that had been at the beach bar. It looked like Roy and Jen had lied to us, although in the moment, I couldn’t quite believe that. It just didn't seem a thing people would be dishonest about! Feeling delighted that I spotted this bunch of lovely people, I made my way over to the group, but on my way there, I was intercepted by one of the single guys, let’s call him Mr Ireland. We had met in the beach bar and had had a long chat there, so I knew him. He was clearly in good spirits and immediately took me for a dance. We got on like a house on fire; chatting, laughing, and bantering. While we were dancing, Roy suddenly appeared and squeezed in between me and Mr Ireland. A bold move, but also an unwelcome one. I was having fun as I was! I moved away and leant into single guy asking him to help me out and be a buffer if necessary, because I felt I might need some back up when I said no. Roy was undeterred and he asked me to come with him to join his wife and Mr L. It was very clear that he and his wife were hoping for a foursome with Mr L and I. It felt horrible to say no, but I said it clearly so there was no ambiguity. Roy, however, kept insisting, which prompted Mr Ireland to step in and physically put himself in between Roy and me. Together we moved away and Roy finally relented and moved away. He looked so sad and dejected as he wandered off. I did feel a little sorry for him, but at the same time, he didn’t listen to my first no! The next day, I heard from Mr L that the situation had actually been caused by Jen. She had insisted that Roy go and get me. When he reported I had said no, she had told him to go back and be more insistent! She had also asked Mr L to go get me, but Mr L, my excellent wing man and husband, told her he would not be doing that, because I had made my decision very clear and he would not be going against that.


After this awkward situation, another single guy, James, joined us and bought us a drink and then vanished again, but not for long. That drink felt like it was well deserved after all that being assertive business. I'm an "avoid conflict at all cost" kind of person, so it took a lot out of me to be that assertive! My feet were now hurting, so I went to sit down on a bar stool, where Mr Ireland joined me and now our banter was interspersed with some delicious snogs. At some point Mr Ireland’s hands wandered under my skirt and he commented on how naughty we were being. I joked that this wasn’t anywhere near as naughty as could be. We came up with a scale out of 10 of naughtiness and our bar naughtiness was only a 2-3, but in bed that naughtiness could get much higher. At some point Mr L made his escape Roy and Jen and joined us. He found me pretty much wrapped around Mr Ireland and I suspect that at that point he knew exactly which way the night would go.


By around 1.30 am pretty much everyone else from the group was gone or very drunk and well, not really good for much at all. This left just Mr L, Mr Ireland, James and I. We decided to go and check out the clubs downstairs. Mr Ireland and James told us that they couldn’t just club hop like we wanted to, because the clubs charge single guys a lot of money, so we promised them that we would have a look in the clubs for them and then tell them if it was worth going in. After checking both Fun4All and Secrets, we settled on going into Secrets. Neither club was particularly busy, but this one seemed the busier one and the better option. As soon as the decision was made to enter Secrets as a foursome, it was pretty much a done deal that we would remain a foursome for the night. We ordered a drink, but within 10 minutes or so, I decided to just skip the dilly dallying around the subject and I asked them if they all wanted to come to a room with us. Mr Irish was clearly an experienced single guy in the lifestyle and he was enthusiastic about the proposal, James, on the other hand, was more cautiously excited. He was newer to the lifestyle and had only played with a couple once before and that had ended badly due to the couple’s dynamic. I reassured him that we are experienced, very confident in our relationship and as well as that, we are a generally an easy going couple. And as a final reassurance, I told him we would not ask him to participate in anything he’s not comfortable with, we'd follow his comfort level. I gave him a big hug and kiss, took his hand and lead him to the play area together with the other men. I couldn’t quite believe it. I had asked for a birthday gang bang and well, here I now was: 3 men and me. This was going to be a lot of fun!


Once in the playroom, we started with making out. I had all the men around me; they were touching me, sucking my nipples, kissing. I was relishing being the centre off attention. Then I joked with Mr Ireland that we were about to hit naughty level 10/10, especially once we get to the fucking. His reply really took me by surprise: “What about going to 20/10?” Intrigued, I asked him what that could possibly be and he replied with” “DP”. DP?! Oh wow, I thought, now there's an offer I had never expected. One of the reasone we got into the LS is that I was curious about DP and it was very high on my wishlist of experiences and now here it was getting dangled in front of my nose. I looked at the guys around me, they were respectful, fun and just generally made me feel comfortable. It didn't take me long at all to respond with a resounding "Yes! lets give it a go!"

After we worked out logistics, I got into position: I sat on Mr L, kind of reverse cowboy, but anal and faced Mr Ireland who fucked me missionary. Anal is something that is something that’s a Mr L only scenario and just as well, because Mr Ireland’s cock was huge! I don’t think I had ever seen a bigger cock. James observed the three of us fucking for a bit and then appeared next to me. I took him in my mouth and momentarily I was airtight. What an amazing feeling. Wish list item ticked off! I definitely want to do that again!

Once the position became difficult to hold, because DP is nothing if not a little awkward, I lifted myself off Mr L and moved myself into a more kneeling position to allow James to fuck me from behind while I gave Mr Ireland a blowjob. Mr L watched that scene from a little while and then when James stopped fucking and fingering me, he slid himself underneath me. This meant I could now sit on Mr L and ride his cock while I alternated giving blow jobs and hand jobs between the other two guys next to me. I was by now getting a little tired from being on top for so long and wanted to go lie down. Once flipped over, Mr L continued to fuck me until came inside me. Once he moved away, James came along to finger me some more and then go down on me, which made me squirt so much, that the poor guy was drowning. Mr Ireland came along and joined in fingering me as well.  I then moved to the edge of the bed, where James kneeled yet again between my legs to go down on me and where yet again he got drenched. While James was happy getting drowned between my legs, Mr Ireland sat next to me, kissing me and sucking my boobs.

I’m not sure how long this scenario kept going on for, but by now it was pretty late and things petered out naturally after not all to long. We were all tired, happy and satisfied and it was time to go. We all got dressed, said our goodbyes and we promised James we wouldn’t be awkward at the hotel breakfast the next morning.

What a birthday! If you had told me on the morning of my birthday that my day would end with ticking off DP AND airtight of my fucket list, I would not have believed you. But there we are. I can confidently say that this has been one of the most memorable and best birthdays I have ever had!

I did not think that it would be possible to top my actual birthday on at my birthday party the next day. The connection with the guys, the energy, the way it all flowed naturally and of course the things we got up to. I didn't think it could ever be replicated, however, I was willing to give it a good go again at the party. Whether I got close to replicating this foursome or not, that you will have to find out next time, when I tell you the story of our final night on the island.

Lots of love,

Mrs L xx



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